Greenville, MI

Auto Collision Center Serving the Greenville, MI Area

Greenville is a city in Montcalm County, Michigan. Greenville's name comes from its founder John Green. John Green constructed a sawmill on the Flat River in Montcalm County. The newly formed Green's village attracted settlers to the area. The town grew from this to what it is today. The city now covers a total area of 6.65 square miles. 6.34 square miles of the city is land, and the remaining .31 square miles is water. Nearly 8,500 people call Greenville home.

With thousands of people living in Greenville, this means that there are thousands of vehicles in the area. Unfortunately, with that many people in an area driving, accidents occur. These auto accidents can cause a lot of auto body damage to your vehicle. Thankfully, Ed Koehn Collision Center is here to help you when your vehicle needs to be repaired.

Contact Our Auto Body Repair Shop Today

Were you in an auto accident? If so, we can help with any repairs you may need. Our auto body repair shop can remove dents, scratches, replace broken parts, and replace shattered windows. We even provide the added convenience of free loaner cars for our clients. That way you still have a vehicle to do what you need to while your vehicle is repaired. Contact us today to schedule your auto collision repair!